Counselling West Bridgford
April 2022 update: Covid-safety measures outlined below have been reviewed and amended in line with the latest government announcement. We will continue to review and amend as necessary.
Your safety
Our key concern, here at Counselling West Bridgford, is your psychological and physical safety.
We have carried out a thorough Covid risk assessment, in line with government and UKCP guidelines.
We are lucky that our counselling room has plenty of room for us to physically distance, has a window giving excellent ventilation, and remains a lovely place to be.
I wanted to share with you the measures in place, including a few things we need you to do please.
If you or I/we have to cancel because of a Covid-19 issue, please be re-assured that you will be refunded, or payment transferred to a future appointment (whichever you prefer)
The key measures
The detailed measures are detailed later on this page, although the key ones are:
Please DO NOT COME if:
- You have tested positive for Covid-19
- You have symptoms of Covid-19
- You have symptoms of other respiratory viruses such as cold, cough or flu
Please DO:
- Arrive on time (not early)
- You may wear a mask, if you’d prefer to
- Bring your own drink, if you would like to have one
Finding your way
The detailed measures
Please do NOT come if:
- You have symptoms of Covid-19
- You have been tested positive for Covid-19
- You have symptoms of another respiratory virus such as a cold, cough or flu
We offer telephone and video appointments so we can still continue your therapy, if you wish.
Please do:
- Arrive on time;
- if you are early I may not be able to answer the door
- Please come on your own if possible, unless you need help to get here
- To keep the number of people to a minimum
- You may wear a face covering, if you would like to
- We ask that you bring your own drink, if you would like to have one
- In the counselling room, we ask you to use the chair provided, and we will make sure we remain at least 2 metres apart
- We have carpet on the floor to show our chairs are at least 2 metres apart
- The room is a lovely size and easy to keep our distance
- Our toilets are open, and ask that you wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds
We will
- Ensure the room is well-ventilated by keeping the window open all day, and the office door open between clients
- Maintain at least 2 metres between us in the counselling room
- Make sure hand sanitiser is readily available for you to use
- Ensure touch points, such as chair arms, are thoroughly cleaned before you arrive
- Ensure bins are emptied and cleaned before you arrive
- Ensure we wash our hands / use sanitiser at regular intervals throughout the day
- Cancel or postpone appointments if any of our counsellors are suspected of having Covid-19
- Regularly review government and UKCP guidance, and update these measures, as appropriate
Michelle has had both vaccines, and the booster.
Contact us
If you have any queries or concerned relating to our Covid Secure arrangements, please do get in touch: